AUIQ Technical Engineering Science

AUIQ Technical Engineering Science Follow

Despite its recent foundation in October of 2017, Al-Ayen Iraqi University has raced ahead of time in its attempt to reach the ranks of discerning universities. In a record period, it was able to achieve many scientific and administrative achievements, including the distinguished international scientific conference, which has been in two copies so far, and to enter into international Ranking, and to facilitate the dissemination of scientific research by university professors in international scientific indexes. And interested in attracting competent Arab and local teachers and by equipping a solid infrastructure, where the scientific laboratories were equipped with the latest devices and systems and from the best international origins, as well as the modern buildings of the university and its classrooms equipped with the latest technologies. The university continues to update the scientific and administrative plans, as it has developed a work strategy that contains several axes that will elevate the university to the edges of modern science.
The launch of the AUIQ Technical Engineering Science journal highlights the escalating global significance of the engineering and sciences. By its establishment, the journal endeavours to be at the forefront of disseminating research in the fields of Engineering and Sciences.

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20 papers to date 2,029 full-text downloads to date 2,029 downloads in the past year